


  • What are the benefits of enrolling in the Global Scholars program?

    The Global Scholars program allows for students to tailor their course of study to meet their interests. The program was designed to allow a degree of curricular and extra-curricular choice so that the students can concentrate their studies in subjects such as world language, 科学, 英语, 宗教, 历史, 或者两者的结合.

    The Global Scholars program also provides students with an opportunity to stand out in the college application process. Colleges and universities are very interested in bringing diversity to their campuses and will undoubtedly be enticed by those students who pursue a globally focused secondary education.
  • GS项目有资格要求吗?

    学生必须是即将升入大二的学生才能申请. All students who fill out an application will be accepted into the program.
  • What type of student might be interested in the GS program?

    对国际文化有兴趣的学生, events, 语言, 历史, 政治, 宗教也被鼓励申请. Students who are thinking of pursuing careers in international law, 业务, 医学, 科学, 学术界, 政治可能也会感兴趣. The program was designed to appeal to students who excel in any subject area.
  • Can a student still complete advanced coursework within the GS program?

    The Global Scholars program incorporates coursework at the college preparatory, honors, and advanced placement level to meet the needs of all students who are enrolled. Advanced coursework includes Honors International Relations, 大学先修课程比较政府, 欧洲历史先修课程, 先修经济学, 环境科学先修课程, 和微生物学.
  • Does international family travel count toward the cross-cultural experience requirement of the GS program?

    The cross-cultural requirement was designed to encourage educational travel experiences to the students to expose them to cultures that are entirely different from their own. While we will allow for meaningful international travel experiences outside of the Berkeley International travel offerings, these need to be pre-approved through the office of the Director of Global Studies. The cross-cultural experience needs to take place during the student’s 上师 years.
  • What happens if a student enrolls in the program and then chooses to opt out after one or two years?

    The requirements for the Global Scholars are in addition to all 棋牌游戏大全 requirements. 因此, if a student joins the program and then decides that it is not for them, they can drop out of the program and still be on track to graduate with their class.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.