下面的课程将是 要求 在所有的全球学者学生中:
世界语言: Students will complete a course of study in Spanish, 法国, 中国人。, 或拉丁文比三级高一级. If a student finishes one level beyond level III at the end of their sophomore year, they will continue on for one more level as a junior.
历史及宗教研究: 世界历史, Global Citizenship (S) (completed during sophomore or junior year), 当代全球问题(S), 以及比较宗教(S).
顶石项目: This culminating project is designed to demonstrate a student’s expertise on a globally significant issue. It will be completed with the help of voluntary 教师 advisors and with lunch seminars and individual meetings with the Global Studies director. The project will culminate with a public defense of the work.
学生还必须至少选修 2个选修学分 from the following globally-focused courses. A course can be designated as a global scholar’s elective by the academic council if it is deemed to substantially contribute towards meeting the skills and knowledge delineated through Berkeley’s Global Scholars graduation profile. Students can choose 2 credits from any of these courses:
英文:。 AP Literature; Empathy: The Heart of Character in Literature and Life (S); Exiting the Cave: Philosophy in Literature and Life (S); Rhetoric, Reasoning and Research; Understanding of Modern Man (S); Voices of Women (S)
世界语言: One level beyond the level IV or equivalent course
历史及宗教研究: Honors International Relations; AP European History; AP Economics; AP Comparative Government; Hitler and the Nazis (S); Modern China (S); Cultural History; International Civil Rights; Global Poverty; Contemporary Global Religions
科学: Oceanography (S); Marine Biology (S); AP Environmental Science; Microbiology; Microbes and Man; Criminalistics and Forensic Science; Honors Design Engineering