

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten "Mornings at Berkeley"

Mornings at Berkeley provide an opportunity for prospective Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten parents to tour the Seivold Center for Early Childhood Education in a small group setting.  This tour will be led by current Berkeley parents, allowing for a unique perspective and a more personal experience.  除了, there will be an opportunity for conversation with our 较低的部门 Director, 梅丽莎·戴维斯.

Casper Family Piazza- Seivold Center for Early Childhood Education


Registration required; Limited capacity

Please register for one of the following dates (parents only):

January 11 (registration for January dates will open on December 1st)

The registration dates for this event have passed.  Please call the 招生 Office at 813 885-1673 to schedule a campus tour.

Middle and 上师 "Mornings at Berkeley"

Mornings at Berkeley provide an opportunity for prospective sixth through twelfth grade parents to tour the Middle and 上师s in a small group setting.  This tour will be led by student tour guides, allowing for a unique perspective and a more personal experience.  除了, there will be an opportunity for conversation with 中间部门 Director, 辛迪老板和高级部门主管, 瑞安乔丹.

Ross Lobby- Gries Center for the 艺术 and Sciences


Registration required; Limited capacity

Please register for one of the following dates (parents only):

January 5, 10, 18 (registration for January dates will open December 1st)

The registration dates for this event have passed.  Please call the 招生 Office at 813 885-1673 to schedule a campus tour.
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成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.