

The 上师 program is designed to provide students with the atmosphere and advantages of a small liberal arts college. 总的来说,我们提供超过60个AP®, 荣誉, 和高级主题课程, and our three-year Global Scholars program provides a unique, 国际重点课程的研究. 
Students are offered a choice of approximately 100 co-curricular activities and clubs, and they may be selected to join several nationally recognized academic honoraries, including the Cum Laude Society and National Honor Society. A culture of student leadership provides a wide range of opportunities – from student clubs and activities, 班代表和班长, 给同伴导师和校园向导. Community service at Berkeley cultivates a spirit of social responsibility and is a graduation requirement.

Berkeley is fortunate to have a transition counselor who offers support to new 上师 students who may need academic support as they acclimate to curricular expectations.  A significant part of this support is guided study hall, a six-week support program that meets three times a week to cover such topics as organization, 在需要的时候获得额外的帮助, “好”学习的习惯, 以及计算机技能.  The transition counselor works in conjunction with the academic counselors to ensure that each student has the necessary skills to succeed.

Our students receive highly individualized college counseling, starting at the end of their sophomore year. Our 大学咨询 motto is, “College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won.” Traditionally, one hundred percent of Berkeley graduates go to college. The graduates of the Class of 2022 were accepted to a combined total of 191 colleges and universities in 39 states, 哥伦比亚特区, 10个国家. The class earned over $10 million in scholarships, and 80percent of the class qualified for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. 20% of the class earned some designation from the National Merit program, 要么半决赛, 决赛, 称赞的学者, 或国家西班牙裔学者.


成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.